About us
When my boyfriend and I moved to a three roomed flat, to have a dog buddy was out of a question. Yet we will not mistreat him in a flat. Such a dog needs space for playing around etc. These were the main reasons which I was repeating again and again and I was trying to convince myself that having a dog in a flat is not possible for us. I was asking my boyfriend “And you wouldn´t like to have a dog?” and he kept answering that if we would have lived in a house then we could have even three dogs, but that dog does not suit to the apartment. But because we were violently resisting it, so happened something that was inevitable: after all we started to seriously consider having a dog.
We had several criteria: the dog should not shed hair, we wanted a large breed and it should be a good dog buddy with an easygoing nature. When you put together all these requirements and you add the intelligence, always having a good mood, elegance and beauty, a STANDARD POODLE will come out of it.
In March 2014 we finally went for our first poodle girl: Angel Innocent Kiss´n´go (Arwen). And because never is a long day, our family has become bigger in October 2014 because we got a second poodle girl: Britany Bilá říše. Now we have four girls. From first litter stay at home girl: Amarea Royal Glow (Rea). And a boy from litter B found a home with my parents - Bruno Banani Royal Glow. And there are more of us again - Carramia Royal Glow (Carra) from litter C found a home with us.
We are from Czech republic, town Ostrava. From the 22nd of February 2016 we have our Breeding Kennel :-)
In our kennel we prefer quality over quantity. Our girls are like our children. And we are looking for not only new owners for our litters, but new members of our dog family. We want to stay in touch with everyone after taking over the puppy and experience joys and worries together. You can meet us at an exhibition, but we do not oppose a pre-arranged visit.
02/2025 - In February, at the international dog show in Brno, our beloved Carramia Royal Glow won the awards Ex. 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS in strong competition and thus fulfilled the conditions for the title Interchampion..
01/2025 - First show in 2025 - KCHP club show in Brno - Měnín and our girls were amazing. Amarea RG "Rea" was the best bitch in the honor class and Carramia RG "Carra" was the best black bitch and finally #2 best bitch in show.
01/2025 - And here's another year. We wish all the owners of our puppies all the best for the new year, especially health & happiness! We thank them very much for the care and love they give to our children.
12/2024 - In December, just before the Christmas holidays, we participated in three international shows in Nitra. And Carra added another one to her collection of titles, she is the Grand Champion of Slovakia.
11/2024 - At the November KCHP club show in Kojice, our Carra won the title of best black female and second best female of the show.
10/2024 - From 20.10.2024, our youngest Carramia RG became a breeding female, the certification took place in Bohumín under the strict supervision of Ing. Naděžda Klírová.
10/2024 - Brooke and Carvanha Royal Glow also returned to the show ring. They were presented at dog shows in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovakia and Romania. After returning, they can be proud of the following titles: Carvanha is champion of Bosnia and Herzegovina and champion of Romania. Brooke is champion of Bosnia and Herzegovina and grand champion of Slovakia. They represent our kennel wonderfully. A big THANK YOU to the owner!
08/2024 - In August, we returned to the show ring and immediately the CR champion and Poland champion were completed for Carra. Her mother Amarea RG "Rea" shined at the club show in Vysočany near Chomutov and won the BISS #3 title.
07/2024 - July brought suffering in the form of the illness of our oldest girl Angel Innocent Kiss'n'go "Arwen". High temperatures and CRP factor + anemia is what worries us. Keep your fingers crossed that we manage everything and that Arwenka is fine again.
06/2024 - The fourth weekend of June was again marked by an international dogs show, this time in Brno. Carramia RG "Carra" won res. CACIB. Three demanding weekends, now we will take an show break.
06/2024 - On the third weekend of June, Carra and Rea and I went to Nitra, Slovakia for 3 IDS. Both of our furry loves were great. We returned home with a new champion of Slovakia title for Carramia RG "Carra" and a new title honorary champion of Slovakia won by Amarea RG "Rea". At the age of seven, she was incredibly amazing, full of energy and eager to show off after a break.
06/2024 - On the second weekend of June, Carra and I went to IDS in Bytom, Poland. And right away on Saturday, under a strict judge, a breed specialist, we ran CACIB and BOB!!!
05/2024 - After a short show break caused by a lot of work, Carra and I went to see the IDS in Rzeszów, Poland. To our great joy, Carra won CACIB and BOS.
04/2024 - The end of April and with it our heart regional show in Dolní Benešov. And even this time, Carra didn't leave empty-handed. She won BIG #3 in great competition!
04/2024 - In March, we focused on agility and took a break from shows. But on the very first weekend in April, we were at national and two international shows in Slovenia. Carramia RG "Carra" was returning home as Champion of Slovenia.
02/2024 - The last weekend in February we were at 2 IDS, 2 NDS and 1 Club show in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina. We returned home with the champion of Bosnia and Hercegovina title and BKS Club Winner.
01/2024 - On the first weekend of January, Carra and I went to Brno to participate in the club and national show. And it turned out great. The last time in the junior class at the club show, Carra was the best young female and by winning the ČMŠ, she completed the KCHP Junior Champion title. On the second day at the national show, she won BOJe and completed the Junior champion of the Czech Republic title. She won the 7th National Junior Championship!
01/2024 - The year 2023 is behind us, what to write about it. On the one hand, the joy of Carramia RG becoming a self-confident, friendly young lady who was very successful at shows and found a great liking for agility. On the other hand, we were worried about our beloved Crystal RG (yellow collar), when we tried to take her from her new family, but unfortunately we didn't succeed. I have never seen such a skinny standard poodle in my life :-(
11/2023 - In December, we went to the national show in Brno and the international shows in Nitra. Carra won an excellent 1, CAC started with the Czech and Slovak champion titles.
11/2023 - The last weekend in November we were at 2 IDS and 1 NDS in Zagreb, Croatia. We returned home with the champion of Croatia title, which our Carramia RG "Carra" won.
10/2023 - The last weekend of October we went to Romania for 2 IDS and 1 NDS. Carramia Royal Glow was in the intermediate class for the first time and won 3x Excellent 1, 3x CAC, 1x best female, 2x CACIB, 2x BOS and 1x BOB! And in her 15th month, she became the champion of Romania and started the Interchampionship by winning the CACIB.
10/2023 - On the second weekend of October, Amarea Royal Glow "Rea" took part in a coursing race and won 3rd place. We are proud of her.
09/2023 - On the last Sunday of September, we took part in the regional dog show in Dolní Benešov. And Carramia RG "Carra" did not disappoint again, she won the title of the best young female of the show in numerous competition.
09/2023 - The KCHP club show in Mladá Boleslav and our Carra in the new, continental clip, shone. She won the BISS III as the best young female of the show. The day after, at the national dog show in Poland, she completed the title of junior champion of Poland by winning Youth winner.
09/2023 - At the beginning of September, we went to the national and club poodle show in Hungary. And we were successful! Amarea RG "Rea" is the new Grand Champion of Hungary and her daughter Carramia RG "Carra" is the new Junior Champion of Hungary.
08/2023 - At the international show in Bratislava, Crystal RG "Zoja" won the third J-CACIB and fulfilled the conditions for awarding the title Junior C.I.B.. We congratulate the owner and thank you for the presentation of the girl from our kennel Royal Glow.
07/2023 - July also started with shows. We went to the city of Arad in Romania. Amarea RG "Rea" returned as champion of Romania and Carramia RG "Carra" as junior Champion of Romania. And in Poland, our kennel was represented by Crystal RG "Zoja" and she returned home as junior champion of Poland. Congratulations to the owners!
06/2023 - The very next weekend we took part in international and special shows in Serbia and both our girls Rea and Carra did well and won the champion of Serbia and junior champion of Serbia.
06/2023 - On the second weekend of June, Carramia RG "Carra" participated in three international shows in Nitra, Slovakia. All three days she was awarded V1, CAJC, J-CACIB. She thus became the champion of the youth of Slovakia. By winning the J-CACIB from a third country, she also completed the junior interchampion title.
05/2023 - Even the last weekend in May was very successful at the dog show. Our beloved Carramia RG "Carra" won Ex.1, Junior Winner, BOJ, BOB at the national show in Rzeszów (PL) and won the Junior BIS III title in the final competitions. The day after, Brooke and Carvanha RG shone at the international show in Litoměřice. Brooke got Ex1, CAC, CAC CMKU, CACIB and BOS, Carvanha got Ex1, CAJC, J-CACIB, BOJ. By winning the CACIB, Brooke RG "Amy" met all the conditions for awarding the Interchampion title. We are very proud of the owner, her daughter Agáta and our furry girls. And thanks for the great presentation!
05/2023 - The first weekend of May was marked by show successes in our kennel. The amazing Brooke RG "Amy" won BOB under the very strict judge Sally Burns at the KCHP club show. Her younger sister Carvanha RG won the BIS junior title at the regional show the day after that. Congratulations to the owners and thank you for a great presentation. In Hungary, our Carramia RG "Carra" was presented in the junior class and with the win of HPJ she started the title of junior champion of Hungary. And the beautiful Amarea RG "Rea" started the title of grand champion of Hungary.
04/2023 - Carramia RG "Carra" is the new junior champion of Slovenia. By winning 2x J-CACIB, she started the junior interchampionship title. First time in the youth class and the competition didn't stand a chance.
04/2023 - Brooke RG "Amy" won 2x BOB, BIG and finally the highest title Best in Show at the national show in Pécs, Hungary! She thus completed the Grand Champion of Hungary title. For the first time in the junior class, Carvanha RG took home 2x Best of Junior awards from the shows.
04/2023 - Another Slovak puppy champion from our kennel is Crystal Royal Glow. Congratulations to the owner and thank you for the presentation of our breeding!
03/2023 - Kelč regional dog show and our Carramia RG "Carra" won the title of the best puppy of the show!!! It was only her second exhibition in her life.
03/2023 - Carramia Royal Glow (Carra) stays at home! She is amazing and fate wanted her to be with us.
02/2023 - Two amazing girls - Brooke and Carvanha RG make us happy! Brooke is Slovak champion and Carvanha is Slovak puppy champion. Congratulations their owner!
02/2023 - At the international dog show in Katowice, PL, BROOKE Royal Glow "Amy" won the last CWC and completed the Grand Champion of Poland title. CARVANHA Royal Glow also performed well under the strict judge and was rated very promising 1. On the second day at the national show in Bytom, their mother AMAREA Royal Glow won the BOS title and CARRAMIA Royal Glow was rated very promising 1 at her first show.
01/2023 - Carramia Royal Glow (purple collar) is back home. The owner preferred the growing family business and decided to sell the little girl after 2.5 months. We used the right of pre-emption and took Carramia back.
01/2023 - The year 2022 was really very demanding on the psyche. On the one hand, great joy at the success of our breedings and wonderful puppies, on the other hand, great sadness at the loss of our Cressinka. Hopefully we have already chosen the "bad" and the year 2023 will be better. I wish the same to everyone around me.
12/2022 - The day before Christmas, the wonderful Cooper (green collar) also left for his new home.
11/2022 - 3 international dog shows in Bratislava, Slovakia and Cooper Royal Glow became the Slovak puppy champion.
11/2022 - 19. + 20. 11. 2022 International dog shows in Kielce, Poland - amazing success of Brooke Royal Glow "Amy", when she won the CACIB on Saturday and the BOB award on Sunday in the competition of 34 poodles! The judges were breed specialists - Mikael Nilsson (SWE) & Inga Siil (EST).
10/2022 - On October 27, 2022, Cressinka left us :-( She was left with a broken heart and enormous sadness. She died after hospitalization at the Liskovka clinic after inflammation and perforation of the intestine. Cressinko, our love, we will never forget you!
10/2022 - Carter (blue collar) also found his new home at Příbram and Carramia (purple collar), will live at Slovakia.
09/2022 - The first puppies leave the house. Carvanha (red collar) will live near Olomouc with older sister Brooke RG. Carolinne (pink collar) went to Bratislava to meet our Brienne RG and Crystal (yellow collar) is closest to us, she lives in Rychvald.
08/2022 - Brooke Royal Glow "Amy" is champion of Poland.
07/2022 - On 7/17/2022, 7 beautiful puppies were born to us. 5 girls and 2 boys. Mother Rea takes excellent care of them and the puppies just eat and sleep. You can find everything about puppies in the Puppies - litters section.
07/2022 - While we are preparing for puppies, the girls from our litter B are winning more awards at the shows. Brooke Royal Glow "Amy" is Champion and Grand Champion of Romania and Champion of Transylvania. Baccara Royal Glow "Baca" is the champion of Estonia.
06/2022 - We are expecting standard black poodle puppies! Our AMAREA Royal Glow "Rea" is pregnant and if everything goes according to plan, the puppies should be born around July 20, 2022. Dad will be Australian Poshnoir Reilly Ace of Spies (AI). More information in the section Puppies - litters.
04/2022 - There's always something going on with us :-) Brooke Royal Glow "Amy" is new Hungarian champion! And Baccara Royal Glow "Baca" is new champion of Poland!
04/2022 - Bruno and Rea took part in the first official Nordcoursing Cup and won 3rd and 4th place! Art Attack Royal Glow "Arti" met the conditions for advancement to the next level in Obedience in Austria.
03/2022 - We have started to be coursing and we are very proud of Rea and Bruno, who have met all the conditions for obtaining a coursing license and can start officially racing.
02/2022 - Brooke Royal Glow "Amy" is a new champion of the Czech Republic!
02/2022 - 25th Jubilee International Dog Show Katowice, PL - Amarea Royal Glow "Rea" won the last CWC in the champion class to be awarded the title Grand Champion of Poland ! And her daughter Brooke Royal Glow "Amy" won CWC, CACIB, BOS started working for the title of Champion of Poland and Interchampion! And the next weekend she won her first CAC in Hungary and also started working there for the title of champion of Hungary. We are very proud of her and her owners!
01/2022 - National dog show Brno and our BROOKE Royal Glow "Amy" finished the title of junior champion of the Czech Republic! She is a beautiful girl with a great character and a loving family. We are very proud of them.
12/2021 - AMAREA Royal Glow "Rea" is the best black poodle in KCHP (poodle club) and the best standard poodle in KCHP in year 2021.
10/2021 - Big success our girl BROOKE Royal Glow "Amy" - on her 5th show - regionnal dog show in Kelč she won titule BIS JUNIOR!
09/2021 - Club show KCHP in Stará Běla and our AMAREA Royal Glow "Rea" again on the podium. In the competition of 45 poodles she won the award BISS #2. And BROOKE Royal Glow "Amy" on her first show won Excellent 1, best black young female and 2nd best young female of the show.
08/2021 - BACCARA Royal Glow "Baca" is junior champion of Poland.
08/2021 - In August we enjoyed a beautiful holiday in Slovenia, photos can be found in the photo gallery :-)
07/2021 - The beautiful club show KCHP in Vysočany near Chomutov and AMAREA Royal Glow "Rea" had no competition among 68 poodles. Breed specialist, judge Georg Walther from Germany gave her the title BISS #1!!!
05/2021 - Club show KCHP in Brno Žebětín and AMAREA Royal Glow "Rea" won the title BISS #3.
01/2021 - The year 2020 is over and we are on the right foot to 2021. And we hope that we will be able to go somewhere with our girls on shows and trips.
09/2020 - All our puppies have their new home and family. Three live in the Czech Republic, two in Slovakia and two in Poland.
05/2020 - We have puppies! Our Rea is mummy. We have 7 puppies - 5 girls + 2 boys!
04/2020 - Our amazing girl AMAREA Royal Glow "Rea" will be mummy! Puppies are expected in May 2020.
12/2019 - AMAREA Royal Glow is 3rd the best black poodle in KCHP (poodle club) in year 2019.
12/2019 - AMAREA Royal Glow "Rea" is new Champion of Austria. It is her sixth national champion! We are very proud of her!
10/2019 - AMAREA Royal Glow "Rea" is new Grandchampion of Slovakia. Rea at IDS in Bratislava fullfilled all conditions for the title INTERCHAMPION.
10/2019 - AMAREA Royal Glow "Rea" is new Champion of Hungaria. It is her fifth national champion.
07/2019 - At the club show in Rogla, Slovenia AMAREA Royal Glow "Rea" fulfilled all conditions for the title Champion of Slovenia.
05/2019 - At the international dogs show in Rzeszów, Poland our Rea fulfilled all conditions for the title Champion of Poland. And in Russia our girl ALESSIA Royal Glow fulfilled all conditions for title Russian champion.
04/2019 - Our the youngest girl AMAREA Royal Glow is a breeding female with very nice description.
02/2019 - At the international dogs show in Brno AMAREA Royal Glow fullfilled all conditions for the title Champion of Czech republic.
01/2019 - At the international dogs show in Nitra our Rea fulfilled all conditions for the title Champion of Slovakia. And in Russia our girl ALESSIA Royal Glow "Raida" won RKF Champion title. I'm a proud breeder.
01/2019 - Achievements our girls in 2018. Arwen received the following titles: champion of champions KCHP, honour champion KCHP, Champion of Serbia and Romania. Britany received titles: champion of champions KCHP, Grandchampion of Hungary, Champion of Serbia and Austria. And our youngest girl Rea received six junior titles from ČR, SK, PL, HU, A a SRB.
10/2018 - Our amazing Amarea Royal Glow "Rea" won title Res. Junior BIS on the club show in Hungary! And she got first CACIB. Our white princess Britany Bílá říše is a new Grandchampion of Hungary.
09/2018 - Amarea Royal Glow "Rea" is a new Junior champion of Autria. We are happy and proud of our amazing young girl. It is her sixth national junior champion.
09/2018 - Britany Bílá říše is a new Champion champions KCHP & Amarea Royal Glow is a new Junior champion KCHP (KCHP = Poodle club).
08/2018 - Amarea Royal Glow "Rea" is a new Junior champion of Czech republic. And her mother Angel Innocent Kiss'n'go "Arwen" fulfilled all conditions for the title Honour champion KCHP.
06/2018 - Amarea Royal Glow "Rea" is a new Junior champion of Slovakia.
05/2018 - Amarea Royal Glow "Rea" fulfilled all conditions for the title Junior champion of Poland.
04/2018 - Amarea Royal Glow "Rea" fulfilled all conditions for the title Junior champion of Hungary.
04/2018 - On the front page of the e-magazine eCanis no 04/2018 is our Britany Bílá říše :-) You can view the page HERE :-)
04/2018 - Angel Innocent Kiss'n'go "Arwen" fulfilled all conditions for the title Champion of Romania.
04/2018 - Britany Bílá říše won IDS Zaječar, SRB and she was BIS #1!!!
Angel Innocent Kiss'n'go "Arwen"
C.I.B., BIS #1, Grandchampion HU, SK, ČR, Champion SRB, RO, A, SLO, SK, ČR, PL, HU, Honorary champion KCHP, Champion of champion KCHP, Champion KCHP (Poodle breeders club).

Our first poodle :-) Balanced, intelligent, prudent, calm, sensitive, careful in relation to strangers, inquisitive, forever with a good mood and smile, loving children and other dogs, crazy about coursing and agility, loving traveling
and learning new places, manages new situations with an overview.
Arwen was born in kennel Kiss'n'go as third female. She was named Innocent Angel, but we had at the beginning renamed Arwen. Comes nine puppies: Aimez - moi (F), Azzura (F), Angel Innocent (F), Aurore (F), Azzaro (M), Ambush (M),
Axis sense of space (M), Ambro (M) a Amazing boy (M). Some of them are in families in the Czech Republic and some abroad (Ireland, Spain, Italy, Sicily).
She became a breeding female on April 9, 2016 after the club show in Ostrava.
In 2017 she became the mother of 8 puppies. In 2020, the grandmother of 7 puppies from the firstborn Amarea. She took care of the puppies - grandchildren as if they were their mother. In 2022 she is grandmother again.
- DOB: 18. 1. 2014
- Sire: Barbian Queen of Diamonds (* 7. 11. 2009 - † 18. 2. 2021)
- Dam: Camberra Queen of Diamonds (* 17. 6. 2010 - † 30. 11. 2024)
- Pedigree: HERE
- Teeth: complete 42, correct scissor bite
- Luxace pately: 0/0 (Confirmation of the examination)
- DKK: A/A (Confirmation of the examination)
- prcd-PRA: genotyp N/N (Confirmation of the examination)
- vWD type I: N/N (Confirmation of the examination)
- NEWs: N/N (Confirmation of the examination)
Britany Bílá říše
C.I.B., BIS #1, Grandchampion HU, Champion SRB, A, HU, ČR, SK, SLO, PL, Champion of champion KCHP, Šampion KCHP (Klub chovatelů pudlů), Junior champion ČR, HR, PL, HU, SK.

Our white princess, seeking human company and people's attention, forever with a good mood and smile, loving to travel and discover new places. Crazy about agility and coursing. Britany was born in kennel Bílá říše as third
female. We name it we could choose themselves right after birth :-) Comes from four puppies: Baghíra (F), Bianca Comtesca (F), Britany (F) a Bonaparte (M). All four puppies litter "B" remained in the Czech Republic and live
close by.
She became a breeding female on April 9, 2016 after the club show in Ostrava.
In 2016, it was on the cover of the magazine Pes přítel člověka and in 2018 on the cover of the magazine eCanis
In 2017, 2020 and 2022 she was an amazing aunt of our puppies. She never had puppies of her own.
- DOB: 10. 8. 2014
- Sire: C.I.B. Jouet Eminence de Concubine (* 10. 7. 2008 - † 2018)
- Dam: C.I.B. Charlenne Bohemia Jaronela (* 21. 6. 2009)
- Pedigree: HERE
- Teeth: complete 42, correct scissor bite
- Luxace pately: 0/0 Confirmation of the examination)
- DKK: A/A (Confirmation of the examination)
- prcd-PRA: genotyp N/N (Confirmation of the examination)
- vWD type I: N/N (Confirmation of the examination)
- NEWs: N/N (Confirmation of the examination)
Amarea Royal Glow "Rea"
C.I.B., BISS #1, BISS #2, BISS #3, JBIS #2, Grandchampion HU, PL, ČR, SK, Champion RO, SRB, A, HU, SLO, PL, ČR, SK , Junior champion A, SK, ČR, PL, SRB, HU, Hungarian Derby Winner & BOB 2018, Honorary champion of SK, Grand Prix Slovakia Junior Winner 2018, Poodle of the year 2021 - black color 1st place, Poodle of the year 2019 - black color 3rd place, Honorary champion of KCHP, Champion of champion KCHP, Junior champion KCHP, Puppy champion KCHP (KCHP = poodle club)

Our firstborn :-) Intelligent, energetic, unfettered, careful in relation to strangers, but inquisitive, forever with a good mood and smile, loving traveling and discovering new places.
She became a breeding female on April 6, 2019 after the club show in Ostrava.
In May 2020, she became the mother of 7 puppies (2 boys + 5 girls).
In March 2022, Rea met the conditions for a coursing license.
In July 2022, she became a mother for the second time to 7 puppies (2 boys + 5 girls).
- DOB: 15. 6. 2017
- Sire: CH Ahornstreet's Yohji (* 12. 10. 2014)
- Dam: C.I.B. Angel Innocent Kiss'n'go (* 18. 1. 2014)
- Pedigree: HERE
- Teeth: complete 42, correct scissor bite
- Color: BBEE
- Luxace pately: 0/0 (Confirmation of the examination)
- DKK: A/A (Confirmation of the examination)
- prcd-PRA: genotyp N/N (Confirmation of the examination)
- Progressive Retinal Atrophy, rcd-4: genotyp N/N (Confirmation of the examination)
- Von Willebrand Disease; type I | vWF | c.7437G>A: N/N (Confirmation of the examination)
- NEWs ATF2 | c.152T>G: N/N (Confirmation of the examination)
- Malignant Hyperthermia | RYR 1 | c.1640T>C: N/N (Confirmation of the examination)
- Degenerative Myelopathy | SOD1 | c.118G>A: N/N (Confirmation of the examination)
- DNA profile: (Result)
Carramia Royal Glow "Carra"
Junior C.I.B.; BISS #3; Grandchampion SK; Champion SK; PL, ČR, SK, SLO, CRO, BiH, RO; junior champion ČR, PL, HU, RO, SLO, SK, SRB. Junior šampion KCHP (Poodle club). Jubilee Slovakia Winner 2023, BKS Club Winner 2024.

The little girl who returned to us after 2,5 months. She was not loved in her new family, she was a nuisance. After difficult new beginnings, Carra is a confident young lady. Incredibly energetic, agile, curious. She likes dogs, she doesn't mind people, but she doesn't seek out their company.
She became a breeding female on October 20, 2024.
- DOB: 17. 7. 2022
- Sire: CH Poshnoir Reilly Ace of Spies (* 5. 7. 2018)
- Dam: C.I.B. Amarea Royal Glow (* 15. 6. 2017)
- Pedigree: HERE
- Teeth: complete 42, correct scissor bite
- Colour: BBEE
- prcd-PRA: genotyp N/N (Confirmation of the examination)
- Progressive Retinal Atrophy, rcd-4: genotyp N/N (Confirmation of the examination)
- Von Willebrand Disease; type I | vWF | c.7437G>A: N/N (Confirmation of the examination)
- NEWs ATF2 | c.152T>G: N/N (Confirmation of the examination)
- Malignant Hyperthermia | RYR 1 | c.1640T>C: N/N (Confirmation of the examination)
- Degenerative Myelopathy | SOD1 | c.118G>A: N/N (Confirmation of the examination)
- Sandhoff-like disease (GM2): N/N (Confirmation of the examination)
- Patelly: 0/0
- HD: A/A
- ED: 0/0
- OCD: clear
- Spondylosis: 0
Show results
Shows weren't our priority. We bought a dog as another member of the family and didn't think at all that we would go to shows and subsequent breeding. The girls liked the exhibitions, they like to go to new places, so there
was nothing to stop them from participating. The taste also grew with success, so we go to exhibitions all over Europe. We participate in regional, regional, club, national, international and world dog shows.
To see girls´ show results you can click pictures below. We are very proud of our girls!
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Puppies - litters
Litter C - 2022 
CH Poshnoir Reilly Ace of Spies (AI) "Reilly" x C.I.B. Amarea Royal Glow "Rea"
DOB: 17. 7. 2022 - 2 boys + 5 girls
Boys: Carter, Cooper
Girls: Carolinne, Carramia, Carvanha, Cresselia, Crystal
Pedigree of litter C puppies - HERE
Litter B - 2020 
CH Bar-None Lock and Load "Trace" x C.I.B. Amarea Royal Glow "Rea"
DOB: 9. 5. 2020 - 2 boys + 5 girls
Boys: Bruce Lee, Bruno Banani
Girls: Baccara, Beyonce, Braven, Brienne, Brooke
Pedigree of litter B puppies - HERE
Litter A - 2017 
CH Ahornstreet's Yohji "Meilo" x C.I.B. Angel Innocent Kiss'n'go "Arwen"
DOB: 15. 6. 2017 - 5 boys + 3 girls
Boys: Antracit Boy, Anubis Auris, Art Attack, Atrey, Attila
Girls: Alessia, Amarea, Artessa
Pedigree of litter A puppies - HERE
Photo Gallery
- 14. 06. 2024 - Amarea Royal Glow "Rea"
- 25. 02. 2024 - Carramia Royal Glow "Carra"
- 10. 12. 2023 - International dog show Nitra, SK
- 03. 12. 2023 - National dog show Brno "Vánočka"
- 24. 09. 2023 - Regional dog show Dolní Benešov
- 02. - 03. 09. 2023 - Shows Agard, HU
- 27. - 30. 07. 2023 - Dovolená ve Slovinsku
- 26. 03. 2023 - Regional dog show Kelč
- 05. 03. 2023 - Dog's playground
- 04. 12. 2022 - Jubilee NDS Brno - Carvanha + Cooper + Rea
- 26. 09. 2022 - Puppies in the garden
- 24. 09. 2022 - Puppies with big brother Bruno
- 18. 09. 2022 - Photos N. Běhalová
- 17. 09. 2022 - Puppies 2 months
- 08. 09. 2022 - Puppies in the garden
- 06. 09. 2022 - First time in the garden
- 04. 08. 2022 - Puppies 18 days
- 31. 07. 2022 - Puppies 14 days
- 24. 07. 2022 - Puppies 7 days
- 17. - 24. 07. 2022 - Puppies 1st week in the world
- 10. 04. 2022 - Nordcoursing Cup
- 20. 03. 2022 - Walk Vratimov
- 30. 12. 2021 - European dog show Budapest, HU
- 03. 10. 2021 - World dog show Brno
- 26. 09. 2021 - International dog show Wróclaw, PL
- 09. - 12. 08. 2021 - Holiday in Bled, Slovenia
- 06. - 09. 08. 2021 - Holiday in Ankaran, Slovenia
- 18. 07. 2021 - Club show KCHP Vysočany u Chomutova
- 13. 07. 2021 - Photoshoot in a lavender field
- 11. 07. 2021 - Regional dog show Náměšť na Hané
- 11. 04. 2021 - Walk Vratimov
- 17. 11. 2020 - Lom Výkleky
- 15. 08. 2020 - Club show KCHP, Beroun
- 08. 08. 2020 - Brienne + Bruce + Bruno
- 21. 07. 2020 - In the garden
- 16. 07. 2020 - Puppies in action
- 10. - 13. 07. 2020 - Puppies
- 08. 07. 2020 - Puppies have a new crib
- 04. 07. 2020 - Puppies in the garden
- 02. 07. 2020 - Puppies
- 02. 07. 2020 - After grooming
- 30. 06. 2020 - For the first time in the garden
- 31. 05. - 13. 06. 2020 - Puppies 4th - 5th week in the world
- 24. - 30. 5. 2020 - Puppies 3rd week in the world
- 17. - 23. 05. 2020 - Puppies 2nd week in the world
- 09. - 16. 05. 2020 - Puppies 1st week in the world
- 01. + 02. 02. 2020 - International dog shows Duocacib Brno
- 31. 10. 2019 - Halloweeen
- 20. 10. 2019 - Walk Ostrava
- 29. 06. 2019 - Rogla, Slovenia
- 13. 01. 2019 - Fun after the show, starring Rea
- 12. - 13. 01. 2019 - Club show and National dog show Brno
- 01. - 02. 12. 2018 - Club show and International dog show Budapest, HU
- 18. 11. 2018 - ANGEL INNOCENT Kiss'n'go "ARWEN"
- 18. 11. 2018 - BRITANY Bílá říše "BIBI"
- 18. 11. 2018 - AMAREA Royal Glow "REA"
- 27. + 28. 10. 2018 - International dog show Bratislava, SK
- 20. + 21. 10. 2018 - Club and International Dog Show Komárom, HU
- 09. 10. 2018 - Dog playground
- 12. 08. 2018 - WDS Amsterdam
- 08. 05. 2018 - Walk in the park
- 01. 04. 2018 - AMAREA Royal Glow "Rea" - 9,5 months
- 10. 02. 2018 - Winter in the park
- 26. 12. 2017 - And fun again in the park
- 25. 12. 2017 - Fun and socialization in the park
- 01. 10. 2017 - Fun and socialization on the dog playground
- 31. 08. 2017 - On the dog playground
- 19. 08. 2017 - Puppies visiting
- 08. 08. 2017 - Puppies in the garden
- 30. 07. 2017 - Puppies 6,5 weeks
- 07. 07. 2017 - Puppies day 22
- 27. 06. 2017 - Puppies 12th day
- 24. 06. 2017 - Puppies 9th day
- 15. - 21. 06. 2017 - Puppies litter "A" the first week of life
- 02. 04. 2017 - Zakrszów, PL
- 12. 02. 2017 - Tošovice
- 31. 12. 2016 - New Year's Eve in Comenius Gardens
- 23. 10. 2016 - Britany Bílá říše
- 30. 07. 2016 - 9th Regional Dog Show Brno - Žebětín
- 22. 07. 2016 - Dog playground, O-Radvanice
- 07. 07. 2016 - Dog playground, O-Radvanice
- 12. 06. 2016 - Tošovice
- 29. 04. 2016 - Comenius Gardens
- 10. 04. 2016 - Professional photography in the studio of Mrs. Stonišová Kristýna (O - Proskovice)
- 02. 04. 2016 - Coursing Ostrava - Kunčičky
- 28. 03. 2016 - Dog playground O-Radvanice
- 26. 03. 2016 - Coursing Ostrava - Kunčičky
- 18. 03. 2016 - Comenius Gardens
- 24. 12. 2015 - Christmas day in the park (+7°C)
- 14. 11. 2015 - Noon in the park
- 01. 11. 2015 - Coursing Havířov
- 28. 10. 2015 - Autumn in the park
- 02. 10. 2015 - Walk Nový Jičín Skalka
- 27. 09. 2015 - National Dog Show Kecskemét, HU
- 19. 09. 2015 - Poodle club show KCHP O - Třebovice
- 06. 09. 2015 - Poodle club show KPaCHP Konopiště
- 29. + 30. 08. 2015 - International dog show Hódmezővásárhely, HU
- 20. 08. 2015 - Comenius Gardens
- 16. 08. 2015 - Comenius Gardens
- 23. - 26. 07. 2015 - Split, Croatia
- 23. - 26. 07. 2015 - 4 Summer Night Shows in Split, Chorvatsko
- 11. 07. 2015 - Saturday in the mountains - Bílá, Čeladná
- 28. 06. 2015 - Fun after the show
- 28. 06. 2015 - Special show of poodles Kamenný mlýn, SK
- 27. 06. 2015 - Poodle club show Kamenný mlýn, SK
- 06. + 07. 06. 2015 - National Dog Show Ratibórz, PL
- 30. 05. 2015 - Poodle club show Pudl klubu Kolesa u Přelouče
- 03. 05. 2015 - Comenius Gardens
- 24. 04. 2015 - Comenius Gardens
- 19. 04. 2015 - Comenius Gardens
- 18. 04. 2015 - Regional dog show Dětřichov
- 11. 04. 2015 - Hard weekend - Club show and Comenius orchard
- 29. 03. 2015 - Coursing Ostrava Lhotka
- 22. 03. 2015 - Walk Háj ve Slezsku
- 21. 03. 2015 - Coursing Ostrava Lhotka
- 18. 03. 2015 - Fun in the park
- 15. 02. 2015 - A walk for VŠB
- 07. 02. 2015 - Comenius Gardens
- 01. 02. 2015 - A walk for VŠB
- 29. 01. 2015 - Walk Vratimov
- 31. 12. 2014 - New Year's Eve in the snow
- 30. 12. 2014 - Arwenka and Brituška in the garden
- 28. 12. 2014 - Dog family in Komeňák
- 24. 12. 2014 - Christmas walk
- 23. 12. 2014 - Comenius Gardens
- 15. 12. 2014 - Meeting in Výškovice
- 14. 12. 2014 - Comenius Gardens
- 15. 11. 2014 - Comenius Gardens
- 28. 10. 2014 - Comenius Gardens
- 12. 10. 2014 - Walk from Landek to Hošťálkovice
- 11. 10. 2014 - For the first time together - Arwenka & Brituška
- 27. 09. 2014 - Walk along the river Odra
- 10. 08. 2014 - A walk in Vratimov
- 03. 08. 2014 - A walk in Polanka
- 10. 10. 2022 - On a walk in the park
- 29. 09. 2022 - We are playing
- 26. 09. 2022 - Puppies with mum
- 23. 09. 2022 - Cresselia & Carolinne Royal Glow
- 20. 09. 2022 - We also play at night
- 20. 09. 2022 - We play with mom
- 17. 09. 2022 - With mom in the garden
- 16. 09. 2022 - Our loves in the garden
- 13. 09. 2022 - We bite into balloons 2
- 13. 09. 2022 - We bite into balloons
- 10. 09. 2022 - In the garden with a balloon
- 07. 09. 2022 - We play biting
- 04. 09. 2022 - We play with the tunnel
- 04. 09. 2022 - In the garden
- 02. 09. 2022 - We are already in the living room
- 28. 08. 2022 - Little devils
- 28. 08. 2022 - We are playing
- 26. 08. 2022 - Cresselia Royal Glow is playing
- 25. 08. 2022 - But we already eat canned meat
- 25. 08. 2022 - We are grown up and we still eat from mom
- 23. 08. 2022 - All puppies together
- 23. 08. 2022 - Cooper is playing
- 23. 08. 2022 - Carramia with balloon
- 22. 08. 2022 - With aunt Britany
- 21. 08. 2022 - Two little girls don't want to sleep
- 18. 08. 2022 - We play in the tunnel
- 14. 08. 2022 - We are playing
- 10. 08. 2022 - Puppies with aunt Britany
- 09. 08. 2022 - Amazing home comfort
- 07. 08. 2022 - We are 3 weeks old and mom's milk bar is the best
- 06. 08. 2022 - Cresselia with aunt Britany
- 05. 08. 2022 - We walk and explore the surroundings
- 04. 08. 2022 - Puppies are starting to walk
- 03. 08. 2022 - Our Loves with mum
- 31. 07. 2022 - We have 14 days, we're eating and growing
- 21. 07. 2022 - The puppies are 4 days old and eating
- 20. 07. 2022 - Carramia Royal Glow eats
- 19. 07. 2022 - Darlings have two days
- 17. 07. 2022 - Litter C puppies are here
- 13. 03. 2022 - Coursing Rea
- 13. 03. 2022 - Coursing Bruno
- 13. 02. 2022 - Coursing Rea a Bruno
- 16. 01. 2022 - Coursing Rea
- 08. 08. 2020 - Bruno and Bruce
- 07. 07. 2020 - We are playing
- 07. 07. 2020 - We play with grandma and mom
- 04. 07. 2020 - Puppies with mom Rea
- 04. 07. 2020 - Brienne with balloons
- 30. 06. 2020 - Change of home - first time in the garden
- 25. 06. 2020 - Brooke with aunt Britany
- 20. 06. 2020 - Darlings are playing
- 20. 06. 2020 - Puppies with grandmum Arwen
- 14. 06. 2020 - Little devils
- 14. 06. 2020 - Bruce Lee Royal Glow is playing
- 14. 06. 2020 - Puppies with mum Rea
- 12. 06. 2020 - Puppies Royal Glow litter "B" lunch
- 11. 06. 2020 - Puppies with aunt Britany
- 07. 06. 2020 - Baccara Royal Glow with Grandmum Arwen
- 30. 05. 2020 - Puppies are playing
- 30. 05. 2020 - With Grandmum Arwen and aunt Britany
- 28. 05. 2020 - Puppies litter "B" - 3rd week
- 27. 05. 2020 - First steps
- 19. 05. 2020 - Puppies litter "B" - 2nd week
- 16. 05. 2020 - Puppies litter "B" - 1st week
- 12. 08. 2017 - Little devils
- 08. 08. 2017 - Puppies and aunt Britany
- 08. 08. 2017 - All together
- 08. 08. 2017 - ANUBIS AURIS Royal Glow
- 07. 08. 2017 - We'll catch you mommy!
- 07. 08. 2017 - Puppies and toy
- 07. 08. 2017 - Puppies and mother Arwenka
- 04. 08. 2017 - New toy
- 01. 08. 2017 - Poodle´s garden
- 01. 08. 2017 - Little dragons
- 29. 07. 2017 - ATREY Royal Glow
- 28. 07. 2017 - Fun after vaccination
- 28. 07. 2017 - Poodle where you look
- 27. 07. 2017 - Such a normal morning
- 25. 07. 2017 - Mum, don't sleep!
- 25. 07. 2017 - Little devils
- 22. 07. 2017 - We play with mom Arwen and aunt Britany 2nd round
- 22. 07. 2017 - We play with mom Arwen and aunt Britany
- 22. 07. 2017 - ARTESSA Royal Glow "Tesinka"
- 22. 07. 2017 - First time in the garden
- 18. 07. 2017 - Explorers
- 18. 07. 2017 - And aunt again :-)
- 16. 07. 2017 - ATREY Royal Glow
- 16. 07. 2017 - C.I.B. Britany Bílá říše x Royal Glow puppies
- 15. 07. 2017 - Lunch, puppies 1 month old
- 15. 07. 2017 - ART ATTACK Royal Glow (1 month)
- 15. 07. 2017 - C.I.B. BRITANY Bílá říše & puppies
- 11. 07. 2017 - Lunch
- 09. 07. 2017 - C.I.B. BRITANY Bílá říše & Artessa Royal Glow
- 05. 07. 2017 - C.I.B. BRITANY Bílá říše & Atrey Royal Glow
- 18. 06. 2017 - Hello world!!! - puppies 3rd day
- 16. 06. 2017 - Puppies litter "A" - 1st day
- 15. 06. 2017 - Angel Innocent Kiss'n'go as happy mother
- 13. 04. 2017 - Courtship - Angel Innocent Kiss'n'go "Arwen" + Ahornstreet's Yohji "Meilo"
- 06. 02. 2017 - DUOCACIB Brno 2017 - Britany Bílá říše
- 06. 02. 2017 - DUOCACIB Brno 2017 - Angel Innocent Kiss'n'go
- 18. 01. 2017 - Angel Innocent Kiss'n'go "Arwenka" - 3 years
- 31. 12. 2016 - New Year's Eve in Comenius Gardens
- 09. 10. 2016 - IDS České Budějovice (black female class champion)
- 10. 08. 2016 - Britany Bílá říše - 2 years
- 08. 05. 2016 - Coursing - Bílovec
- 03. 03. 2016 - Obedience - Brituška
- 03. 03. 2016 - Obedience - Arwenka
- 06. 02. 2016 - DUOCACIB Brno - Arwen
- 06. 02. 2016 - DUOCACIB Brno - Britany
- 28. 11. 2015 - CACIB Nitra, SK - Arwen
- 28. 10. 2015 - Britany - 3rd agility class
- 28. 10. 2015 - Arwen - 3rd agility class
- 06. 10. 2015 - Arwenka - 2nd agility class
- 06. 10. 2015 - Britany - 2nd agility class
- 29. 07. 2015 - Split, Croatia - Arwen and Britany by the Mediterranean Sea
- 28. 07. 2015 - For the first time by the sea - Split, Croatia
- 06. 09. 2015 - Fun after the club show in Konopišt
- 26. 07. 2015 - CAC Split, Croatia - BOJ FCI IX.
- 26. 07. 2015 - CAC Split, Croatia - Britany fight for BOB
- 25. 07. 2015 - CACIB Split, Croatia - Arwen
- 25. 07. 2015 - CACIB Split, Croatia - Britany
- 05. 07. 2015 - International dog show Veľká Ida, SK - Britany about BOB
- 30. 10. 2014 - They're fighting! :-)
- 25. 10. 2014 - It's beautiful outside - Arwenka and Brituška in action
- 18. 10. 2014 - Britany for the first time in a new home
- 11. 10. 2014 - Arwen, Ataway, Britany (2)
- 11. 10. 2014 - Arwen, Ataway, Britany (1)
- 11. 10. 2014 - For the first time together - Arwenka, Brituška, Ataway a Charlenne
- 20. 05. 2014 - Madness in the park
- 22. 03. 2014 - Arwenka for the first time in a new home
Helpful links:
- Klub chovatelů pudlů Praha - KCHP, z. s.
- Klub přátel a chovatelů pudlů - KPaCHP, z. s.
- Pudl klub
- Českomoravská kynologická unie - CMKU
- Českomoravská kynologická jednota - CMKJ
- Fédération Cynologique Internationale - FCI
- Český web o pudlech - Czech portal about poodles, interesting and important information about shows, breeding .....
- Das Pudel Magazin - The Poodle Magazine - PlanetPoodle
- Poodle Pedigree Database
- Tefibo Design - collars, leashes, leg protectors for poodles
Laboratory links:
- Tilia
- Genomia
- Laboklin
Website of systems for registration of shows:
- Slovak DOGSHOW
- Hungarian HOD-DOG
- Hungarian DOGSHOW
- Austrian DOGSHOW
- Italian ENCI SHOW
- Italian BREMADOG
- OnlineDOGshows
You can find all information about us and our kennel on these pages and if you would not find something or would like to ask something, write us an e-mail: royal-glow@centrum.cz
Or contact us via Facebook